“As parents of four SMS graduates, we have covered a span of 17 years at St. Michael’s. Two of our children went on to Moses Brown School and two matriculated to St. George’s School and now our oldest is graduating from Syracuse University. I recognize that every family’s definition of ‘success’ might be different. For us, success boils down to whether our children have the skills and confidence to manifest their own goals; the resiliency to overcome challenges, and strong character that makes us proud as parents. Each of our kids are so different and yet they each have found success on their unique paths. Have they received the highest academic honors, sports awards, leadership awards, etc… yes. Did the St. Michael’s curriculum prepare them well for high school….yes. But the biggest contribution St. Michael’s made towards our definition of success was that each of our children felt cared for, valued, and respected. It is because of the care and devotion of each faculty and staff member and the strong community of families, that each of our children has the foundation to find success in their years after St. Michael’s. Some say ‘it takes a village’ and the St. Michael’s community is that village.” SMS Parent
-Chris and Bethany Di Napoli
Luca ’12, Marco ’15, Juliana ’17, Roman ‘19
Our students engage in a personalized, comprehensive secondary school advisory program that helps them to find success and confidence at the next level. Whether it be in public or independent schools, our students find extraordinary success at the secondary school level and beyond, with secondary school acceptances for this year and the last four years including St. George’s School, Milton, Phillips Academy Andover, St. Paul's School, Portsmouth Abbey, Moses Brown, Lincoln, Wheeler School, Rocky Hill Country Day School, The Prout School, Miss Porter’s School, Pomfret, Brooks School, Georgetown Preparatory Academy, Tabor Academy, Proctor, Cardigan Mountain, Middlesex, Avon Old Farms, St. Andrew's School, and Millbrook School.
“We knew St. Michael’s was the right place for our children from the onset. Not only is it a warm nurturing environment for the preschool age children, St. Michael’s is also a place for academic rigor. We found that not only were our children well prepared for high school, the fundamentals of correct studying techniques combined with the advanced teaching made them and many in their class on the headmasters list at their high school every semester.” SMS Parent
George and Susan Petrovas
Zoe ’16 and Sophia ’17